Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Announcing the New YNAB Support Forum

As you’re reading this, right this minute, there are hundreds of conversations already taking place in the brand-new YNAB Support Forum … and you’re officially invited to the party!

We’ve Never Forum-ed Like This Before

That’s right, put on your party hat (budgeting hat?), and cruise on over to the new forum—a magical place where you’ll find:

A Community of Budgeters, Just Like You!

Whether you want to share your best new budgeting tip, discuss meal prep strategies for lowering your grocery bill, or (virtually) scream, “I PAID OFF my student loans, today!”

… well, you can do that here. And the YNAB team and your fellow YNABers will give emoji-high-fives. There’s nothing better than claiming another bite of financial independence, and we’re here to cheer you on!

And if you’re inspired, start a journal! Share your budgeting ups and downs to motivate yourself and others. All the cool kids are doing it … ahem, Jesse?

Help When You Need it. Pfew!

Not only will you be mingling with other YNABers, you’ll find YNAB team members in the forum, too. If you’re having trouble with the software, the method or connecting to your bank, whatever it is, just ask! We’d be thrilled to help you out.

In fact, you’ll likely find an answer already waiting for you—try the handy search tool at the top of the page.

Easy Access to Report & View Bugs

Your experience with YNAB should be effortless (so you can focus on your money, not on how to use an app!). Help us improve YNAB by visiting the “Bugs” section of the forum and reporting your issue. We appreciate the feedback!

You Can RSVP, Here …

To join in the fun, visit the forum here. Sign up for your forum account, and you’re in the door! The best place to get started is our virtual welcome station, a.k.a., Community Guide, and you’ll find that here.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to email

The post Announcing the New YNAB Support Forum appeared first on YNAB.

Via Finance

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