Friday, September 7, 2018

Calling All Bookworms and Budget Nerds!


As the season of spontaneous summer spending comes to a crashing halt, we thought it might be a good refresher (for all of us!) to get back to basics. A little “Budgeting 101” to help us reset and refocus on the “why” and “how” of budgeting, prioritizing, saving, spending—all of it! There may even be a little homework. Class is in session, so grab your budgets and follow along!


They say that reading is a good exercise for your brain—that it’ll make you a better writer and stave off dementia. Sounds great, of course, but how about a book that can also make you a better budgeter? A book that’ll shift your mindset in such a way that smart money decisions become more obvious and much more appealing? And, of course, a book that’s enjoyable to read …

Well, make a little more room in your backpack this fall, ladies and gentleman, because we’ve got just the one. In case you haven’t heard, You Need A Budget is available in book form!

Personal Freedom 101

This fall, as you’re Snuggied up on the couch with a mug of something warm, why not begin plotting your best life? Between the orange covers of You Need A Budget, you’ll find a wealth of inspiration and guidance about putting your money to work for you. But, don’t just take our word for it—this is a book that will pay for itself!

And, inside, Jesse offers:

  • A positive framework that helps you see money in a new (dare I say soothing?) light.
  • A clear understanding of exactly how your budget will help you see (and access) so many more possibilities in your life.
  • Guilt-free spending habits—and why the right amount of ‘wiggle room’ is a very good thing!
  • Awareness that you’re not a failure if you have debt. It happens, and it’s bad for your budget … but you’re not bad.
  • Motivation to start, again, if you’ve fallen off of the wagon. We’ve all been there. (Welcome back!)
  • Peace and harmony around money, if you’re struggling to get on the same financial page as your spouse.
  • And even a way to talk to your kids about money—the way Jesse has learned to talk to his own kids—to help them truly appreciate the value of budgeting.

And best of all? This book won’t just make you feel good now, it’ll help you finally feel in control of your money for the long-term—which changes everything.

Whether you’re a seasoned YNABer with waning willpower, an experienced budgeter who’s new to YNAB, or you’re just beginning to budget for the first time, grab a copy of You Need A Budget, and get pumped to obliterate your money obstacles!

The post Calling All Bookworms and Budget Nerds! appeared first on YNAB.

Via Finance

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