Tuesday, August 11, 2020

YNAB is Hiring a Humbly Confident HR & People Ops Specialist

About Us and Why We’re Hiring

We build “You Need a Budget,” the best budgeting software around. (But people in the know call us YNAB, which is pronounced “why-nab”). For more than a decade, people have been buying YNAB and then telling their friends what a difference it has made in their lives. Google us, or read some of our reviews on the app store, and you’ll see what we mean. We love building something that literally changes people’s lives.

YNAB is growing, and so is our HR and Operations team. Our new structure will have HR Specialists assigned to specific departments to serve as the main HR point of contact for those teams. They’ll facilitate the hiring and onboarding processes for those teams, help them with their HR questions and needs, and generally obsess over their teams’ overall work experience, engagement, and connectedness. 

Requirements (these are real, actual requirements): 

  • Minimum of 3-5 years of professional work experience, with at least 1-2 years of that being in HR.

That’s a super-brief intro to what you’ll be working on. But first, you need to know if you’ll even like working with us. Let’s talk about life at YNAB and then we’ll go into detail about what we’re looking for. 

We’re profitable, bootstrapped, and growing. YNAB started in 2004 and we haven’t taken any outside funding—we’re in it for the long haul. We have one overarching requirement when it comes to joining our team: our original Cultural Manifesto has to really click with you. If you’re nodding emphatically while reading it, you’ll probably fit right in, in which case, we can’t wait to hear from you!

Apply Now

Who you’d be working with:

You’ll be reporting to Chance, our Chief Operations Officer. He gets to obsess about building a great company and making sure that people really love their work at YNAB. He cares deeply about YNAB and the people who make it a success. For a long time now he’s quarterbacked the hiring at YNAB and he’s excited to make our hiring, and a million other things, even better by growing the Operations team. When he’s not championing the YNAB team experience, you’ll find him with his family outside in Southern Utah, usually on a hike, on a tennis court, or out at the lake. 

Caitlin is our People Ops Generalist. You’d be the one taking a lot of things off her plate. She currently runs point on most things related to HR – payroll, comp, benefits, and state laws to name a few. She loves YNAB and that it allows her to work and be a mom to two ridiculously cute boys. Her happy place is on the beach (preferably Maui) with a Diet Coke in hand. When she’s stuck in the snow in Utah, you can find her reading a book, watching reality TV, and planning her next vacation. 

Emma is our People Ops Specialist over the Support team. She has helped grow the support team over the last few years, and loves supporting them with all their HR needs. You’ll likely join forces with her to screen applications and brainstorm ways to improve onboarding, offboarding, and everything in-between. When not preparing for interviews, you’ll find her trying a new recipe in the kitchen, house hunting for her upcoming move, or taking yet another picture of her cats. 

Emily is our Operations Specialist. She has what she considers the most fun responsibilities at YNAB – choosing Christmas and birthday gifts, sending welcome packages to new team members, planning team meetups, and working with Caitlin and Chance to pull off our ever-growing annual YNAB retreats (they’re magical!). You might take a few things off her to-do list like scheduling candidate interviews and other tasks to onboard new team members. Emily loves to cook, run & hike, spend time with family, and is currently busy planning her upcoming wedding!

And then of course you’ll cross paths with–well–probably everyone else at YNAB. People like Buffy and Sebastian (a couple of our developers), Niki or Alan (both designers), Angela (our Director of Customer Support), or Reema (our Marketing project manager). 

How You’ll Work at YNAB

We work really hard to make working at YNAB an amazing experience (we’ve even been named Fortune’s #4 Best Small Company to Work For) and have a team full of truly exceptional people—the kind you’ll be excited to work with. Here’s how we operate:

Live Where You Want

We’ve always been a fully remote team, and have people all over the world. For this particular position, however, we’re looking for someone based in the United States due to the increased complexity of employing team members across the U.S. Anywhere in the U.S. is fair game though. Just make sure you have a reliable internet connection.

No Crazy Hours

We rarely work more than 40 hours per week. There have been a few occasions where things got a little crazy and people had to log some extra hours. But then they took some extra time off, so it all balances out. We work hard and smart but we’re in this for the long haul, no need to go crazy on the hours.

Take Vacation (Seriously)

We want you to take vacation. In fact, we have a minimum vacation policy of three weeks per year. Five weeks feels about right (plus two extra weeks for Holiday break). It’s important to get out and do something. We’ll look forward to seeing pictures of your vacation in our #office_wall Slack channel. 

The YNAB Retreat

When the pandemic isn’t keeping us from travelling, we get the teams together once a year to catch up on spreadsheets and powerpoints in a Best Western conference room. Just kidding. So far, we’ve done Costa Rica, a gigantic cabin in the mountains, a beach house in the Outer Banks, a ranch in Montana, and most recently, Laguna Beach. We work together, play together, and reinforce the bonds we’ve made as a team and company. Every year, we leave refreshed, motivated, and excited for the year ahead together.

Up Your Game

We’re serious about helping you improve your craft. We budget for it (hey-o!). Think conferences, online courses and subscriptions, dedicated time away from work to learn something new… it’s really up to you and your manager. But we love to see our people growing.  


You’ll be a W2 employee with fantastic health, dental, and vision insurance, where we cover 100% of the premium for you and your family. (No need to check your vision, you read that right, 100%. Although if you did need to check your vision, we’ve got you covered!)

We also have a Traditional and Roth 401k option. YNAB contributes three percent whether you choose to throw any money in there or not. It vests immediately. (Are you a personal finance junkie like our founder Jesse? He set up YNAB’s 401k to have the lowest fee structure possible, where all plan costs are paid by YNAB, not your retirement nest egg. The investment funds available are fantastic, passively-managed, ultra low-cost index funds. You’re not a PF junkie? Trust us, it’s awesome.

Other Tidbits

  • Once you start, we DEMAND (in a friendly, ALL CAPS IS YELLING way) that you fill out your “Bucket List” spreadsheet with 50 items. (That’s harder than it sounds!) 
  • The bucket list really helps in deciding what we should give you for your birthday and the holidays.
  • We have a bonus plan based on profitability. You’ll be in on that from day one. YNAB wins, you win. That kind of thing.
  • We’re all adults. There’s no need to punch a clock, or ask for permission to take off early one afternoon to go see the doctor. We look at what you accomplish, not how long you sit (have you tried standing?) in front of a computer.
  • We want you firing on all cylinders so we’ll set you up with a shiny new computer and replace it every three years.
  • Did we mention we make a huge, positive difference in people’s lives? You may not think that matters much, but then a few months down the road you’ll realize it’s made your job really, really enjoyable. Don’t underestimate this one!

If this sounds like your ideal environment, read on because now we want to talk about you. You will play a big, big part in helping YNAB be a great place to work. You will change lives. 

Now, back to you, our new People Operations Specialist…

What Success Looks Like: 

Our Operations team (what most people call HR) obsesses over making YNAB an exceptional place to work and you’ll play a crucial part in making that happen every day, especially for your team (or teams!). As an HR Specialist serving your teams, you keep a keen eye on the YNAB work experience, always looking for opportunities to make that experience a little better. That might look like dialing in an onboarding process so things run smoother. Or sending out a team-wide communication in a fun and engaging way. Or helping a team member figure out a tricky insurance claim issue. Whatever it is, it’s done in a spirit of service with a genuine desire to help your fellow teammates. 

You are our ideal candidate if:

  • You understand that HR (we refer to it internally as People Operations) is much more than employee contracts, benefits, and compliance. It’s about building a great workplace.
  • You have at least 3-5 years of professional experience, with at least 1-2 years of that being in HR.
  • You have a general understanding of HR – health insurance, HR laws, 401k, payroll, state employment laws, etc.
  • You have experience using Paylocity.
  • You’re process-minded and can make order of chaotic details. You not only can follow a process like clockwork, but you are comfortable creating new processes from scratch. 
  • You’re proficient with technology and are comfortable learning new things, and do so quickly.
  • You can’t help but notice that things could be done better/faster using this or that method/tool. And then take the initiative to actually make it better.
  • You’re a people person and naturally build genuine relationships with those around you. 
  • You love when you get to make someone’s day better. 
  • You’re an excellent communicator both verbally and in writing. 
  • You manage your time exceptionally well and are comfortable working remotely. 
  • You’re incredibly organized, flexible, and collaborative. 
  • You never met a deadline you didn’t love. 
  • You’re self-motivated and driven by nature.
  • You stay laser-focused on the big picture, without losing sight of every. last. detail. 
  • You’re wildly productive and independent, but a team-player at heart. 
  • “Bonus points” awarded if you already use and love YNAB. 🙂

Some things you’ll be doing at YNAB:

  • As the main HR point of contact for your teams, you’ll be there to assist people with all their questions and needs around benefits, policies, payroll, the list goes on. 
  • One day you might be answering questions about changing direct deposit information, updating addresses, or completing a verification of employment. Another day you might be answering a tough question about health insurance, researching a state law (we have employees in 35 states!), or working with a manager to figure out a difficult situation with a team member. Every day is a bit different and you thrive in that environment. 
  • You’ll be responsible for shepherding the hiring process for your team from beginning to end. Think of this as a Project Manager for hiring. You won’t do all the work, but you will make sure that it gets done, and done in the YNAB way. This involves lots of coordination with everyone involved and you’ll be the one people look to for guidance along the way. 
  • You’ll do much of the initial screening of candidates for open jobs. And you’ll continually screen candidates when we don’t have an open role and stay in contact with those that we’d like to talk to down the road. When we’re not in an active round of hiring, you’ll proactively recruit and build relationships with passive candidates.
  • When a new team member joins YNAB, you’ll make sure their onboarding experience is smooth as butter. Part of that is you walking the new hire through our policies, benefits and company-wide info yourself. And part of that is ensuring that their team (developers, designers, etc.) has a process in place that gets the new team member up to speed as effectively as possible. (At first, you’ll probably help create that process.)
  • You’ll manage the process when a team member leaves, and coach managers on how to navigate that. 
  • When you aren’t busy coordinating hiring, you’ll assist the Operations team with projects like helping build a company intranet, refining and documenting our processes, and creating a seamless onboarding experience to name a few. 
  • And good news! You’ll probably help plan and execute our annual retreat! Whether virtual or in-person, there are approximately one million details to get right, and you’ll help make it feel flawless for everyone there. 

YNAB is an equal opportunity employer. We believe diversity of backgrounds, beliefs, and experiences to be critical to our success and are passionate about creating a welcoming, supportive, and collaborative environment for all employees. All are encouraged to apply as we continue to grow a smart, hard-working, and diverse team who love working together to build something that matters.

How to Apply

  • Apply at the bottom of this page by 11:59PM on Sunday, August 23rd, 2020. Firm. It’s a real deadline. The kind you love.
  • Attach a pdf of your cover letter. In your cover letter:
    • Introduce yourself and explain why this position is of interest to you, and why you would be a great fit. Please limit this section of the cover letter to 1 page. 
    • On a separate page of your cover letter, answer the following questions (with each response being about a paragraph in length): 
      • 1. What criteria do you look for when searching for your next company or position?
      • 2. What are your favorite and least favorite parts of your current (or most recent) job?
      • 3. Tell us about a time when you had to learn something new to excel at your job.
      • 4. Tell us about a time you created a new process that made one of your responsibilities more efficient.
      • 5. What is the most important thing you would look for when hiring someone for this role?
  • Attach your resume in PDF form.

P.S.  If you’re not interested in or available for this position, but know someone who is, we would really appreciate it if you passed this along!

The post YNAB is Hiring a Humbly Confident HR & People Ops Specialist appeared first on You Need A Budget.

Via Finance http://www.rssmix.com/

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