Sunday, September 13, 2020

4 Reasons You’re Not Saving Money

Do you find yourself wishing you could save more money and looking for some simple ways to do it? Saving money – by its very nature – is a simple concept. You don’t have to do a 30-minute webinar to explain how saving money works. But just because it’s a simple concept doesn’t mean it’s an easy thing to do. Nope. Because to save more, you just have to do something, change something about your current behavior or mindset. And that’s why it’s hard.

Here are four little-known reasons why you’re not saving money and what to do about them:

4 Reasons You're Not Saving Money

PROBLEM #1: If you see money in your checking account, you spend it.
SOLUTION: Pay yourself first.

I’m sure you’ve heard it before: pay yourself first. The good news is that this simple concept can be executed with a few swift clicks of the mouse. Most banks and investment institutions offer automatic savings plans. You can say, “On the 5th of every month, take $100 out of my checking and transfer it to my high-yield savings account.

I read a story of a doctor who “regularly outspent his $200,000 salary” – but once he got on an automatic deduction plan of 5%, he didn’t even notice the difference. And you don’t have to make six figures for this concept to take flight: this works for the guy or gal making $40k also.

So to reiterate: save money by having it auto deducted – and then DON’T TOUCH IT. Just wanted to make sure that part was clear.

PROBLEM #2: You get a windfall of money and then spend it.
SOLUTION: Treat all money the same.

Let’s say you get a tax refund of $1000. Or a stimulus check for $1200. You see the money as something “extra” that you normally don’t count on, and immediately think it’s money to blow somewhere. And sure, sometimes it’s healthy and smart to blow a bit of windfall money, but when you crave security and safety above all else, consider that cash well spent by sitting in your savings.

If you’re trying to get out of debt, you can’t afford to think of any extra money as windfall money. It’s debt money, and part of the key to your financial freedom. Try sticking that money into a savings account for a month and consider how to spend it later. By the time the month is over, that money will likely feel more like savings, and less like you want to use it on an online shopping spree.

PROBLEM #3: You keep throwing away good money on bad decisions.
SOLUTION: Know when to cut your losses and move on.

What if you invest in some glitzy multi-level marketing gimmick and burn $1,000 buying super guava juice made by the rain people on a remote deserted island (it tastes like cardboard, but man is it good for you!). You’ve sunk a thousand of your hard-earned dollars into the project, not to mention counting the time it has taken from you. But bringing money in? It’s done the opposite.

Not wanting to admit this bad decision, you continue pouring your time, and even some extra money into distributing fliers, hosting virtual events, building a website, etc. but it still doesn’t produce. It might be time to cut your losses and walk away.

This can also take many forms: maybe it’s the house that’s bigger and more costly than anticipated: you can downsize. Or a car that’s got you locked into high monthly payments: you can cut your losses and get a cheaper used car. Sure, the emotions will be complicated, but on paper it’s a simple way to save money: walk away from bad deals and move on.

PROBLEM #4: You don’t feel motivated to save.
SOLUTION: Visualize something concrete your savings will buy.

This is another elegantly simple way to save money. If you find you’re lacking the motivation to really sock away the requisite amount for retirement and security, practice visualizing what that savings will earn for you later in life. Can you imagine getting a check from your nest egg every month for several thousand dollars? And all you did that month was visit grandkids, play golf, and volunteer at the community garden center.

If that feels too far off, pick something that’s a year or two out: the downpayment on a house you’re saving for, or a car you’ll pay for in cash. Still feel too far out? Save for something just a month out: new dishes for your kitchen, or a replacement pillow. This baby step helps you practice delayed gratification and build your momentum and savings muscle for some of those larger savings buckets. Plus, those things are fun to save for.

If you’re not saving money, take a hard look at these common problems and see if there are some levers you can pull in your own situation to get you back on the right track.

Want to get out of debt and save more money? Speed up your progress with You Need a Budget – an award-winning budgeting app that helps you be more intentional in your spending and more efficient in your saving. Try it free for 34 days – no credit card required!

The post 4 Reasons You’re Not Saving Money appeared first on You Need A Budget.

Via Finance

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